Polycarbonate is a resilient thermoplastic material and capable of withstanding extreme temperatures.

Lotus Polycarbonate is an ideal roofing material for a wide range of applications. It is surprisingly durable, resistant to heat and provides ample protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

Polycarbonate is a resilient thermoplastic material and very strong and Polycarbonate is capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, either hot or cold and is also very lightweight. These qualities makes it an effective roofing material for many applications.

  • Yes, it is popular globally and in India too because :
  • It is highly cost effective
  • It has UV blocking capability
  • It can withstand extreme climate conditions
  • They are nearly breakable and can withstand extreme force
  • Enables discoloring and also remains damage free for many years
  • Their light weight make it easy to transport and install anywhere because of its dimensional flexibility
  • Widely used in Outdoor Roofing, Verandah roof options and ideal for Green Houses

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